Author: Ron Jacobsen
It is quite interesting how Pinterest is rising up the ladder and making the news as of late. They have been receiving so much buzz as more and more users are actually using
So what is Pinterest and how does it valuate to anyone in the search engine optimization perspective?
As simple as it is to say that Pinterest is just another social bookmarking website and what makes it stand out right now among the others are
1. Social User Base
Pinterest actually has a lot of users adding Pins and interacting with each other. Their main model of focusing on the images itself other than anything else makes it simple and easy to use. It is one of those websites that real people are using it and tapping into what matters.
As long as there is live and interactive user base, the opportunity for marketing is always there. This is why it was said that it was a good traffic driver for retailers. But that topic should be discussed in another article.
2. Do-follow Links
Now this is something what most SEO enthusiasts out there are trying to take advantage of. For Pinterest, the links that you can create are somehow Do-Follow link other than no-follow meaning that PageRank for pages is actually passed and valuation of each link from the website is somehow relevant in a lite way.
As search engines follow the links you create, implementing keyword centric descriptions would have its impact in keywords that you wish to rank your pages into.
Here are a few tips that you can do to utilize Pinterest to benefit your SEO efforts.
Setup your About Information - Create a keyword centric description about yourself and your company (website).
Share your pages - this is something that makes Pinterest easier, you share a link - you grab a photo and pin, and you can share your link more than one time as long as it has more photos to share on it. But the links you create are all valid links which adds value to your pages as well.
Create Keyword Rich Boards - if you want to be known about a specific industry or niche, create relevant boards where you can post your links as well as other relevant images for the industry. Remember to use it as a person and not just a marketer.
Share relevant and interesting images along with your own relevant images and it will have the same effect in all images which promotes your brand altogether.
Follow and be followed! - as a Pinterest enthusiast it is also important to mingle. This goes the same as the saying "before you can lead, you must follow" connecting with other people may have an impact to your links as you give your pins more audience and chances to be liked, or re-pinned.
Create Links in your Description - now this is something can be more interesting in leading people to your website. In doing so please make sure that when you create your links, just use your url (, no http://, and no using of html for anchor text.
I have listed a general guideline on how you can promote yourself, or your company website on Pinterest. Please be responsible in the things that you share in your accounts and most of all, do not spam.
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About the Author
Ron Jacobsen writes about business, technology, marketing, and research for Civicom Inc., a company that is behind successful brands such as TranscriptionWing and Civicom Marketing Research Services. TranscriptionWing offers fast, reliable and accurate audio transcription services at very low prices.
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It is quite interesting how Pinterest is rising up the ladder and making the news as of late. They have been receiving so much buzz as more and more users are actually using
So what is Pinterest and how does it valuate to anyone in the search engine optimization perspective?

1. Social User Base
Pinterest actually has a lot of users adding Pins and interacting with each other. Their main model of focusing on the images itself other than anything else makes it simple and easy to use. It is one of those websites that real people are using it and tapping into what matters.
As long as there is live and interactive user base, the opportunity for marketing is always there. This is why it was said that it was a good traffic driver for retailers. But that topic should be discussed in another article.
2. Do-follow Links
Now this is something what most SEO enthusiasts out there are trying to take advantage of. For Pinterest, the links that you can create are somehow Do-Follow link other than no-follow meaning that PageRank for pages is actually passed and valuation of each link from the website is somehow relevant in a lite way.
As search engines follow the links you create, implementing keyword centric descriptions would have its impact in keywords that you wish to rank your pages into.
Here are a few tips that you can do to utilize Pinterest to benefit your SEO efforts.
Setup your About Information - Create a keyword centric description about yourself and your company (website).
Share your pages - this is something that makes Pinterest easier, you share a link - you grab a photo and pin, and you can share your link more than one time as long as it has more photos to share on it. But the links you create are all valid links which adds value to your pages as well.
Create Keyword Rich Boards - if you want to be known about a specific industry or niche, create relevant boards where you can post your links as well as other relevant images for the industry. Remember to use it as a person and not just a marketer.
Share relevant and interesting images along with your own relevant images and it will have the same effect in all images which promotes your brand altogether.
Follow and be followed! - as a Pinterest enthusiast it is also important to mingle. This goes the same as the saying "before you can lead, you must follow" connecting with other people may have an impact to your links as you give your pins more audience and chances to be liked, or re-pinned.
Create Links in your Description - now this is something can be more interesting in leading people to your website. In doing so please make sure that when you create your links, just use your url (, no http://, and no using of html for anchor text.
I have listed a general guideline on how you can promote yourself, or your company website on Pinterest. Please be responsible in the things that you share in your accounts and most of all, do not spam.
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About the Author
Ron Jacobsen writes about business, technology, marketing, and research for Civicom Inc., a company that is behind successful brands such as TranscriptionWing and Civicom Marketing Research Services. TranscriptionWing offers fast, reliable and accurate audio transcription services at very low prices.
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