Author: Ramona Goeke
Looking to Market to females in their 20's and 30's? Then look into marketing with Pinterest If you've been anywhere online as of late you'll already be well versed in what Pinterest is, if not, stay tuned.
Pinterest is a social bookmarking site that is taking off in leaps and bounds, but it doesn't work quite like other social bookmarking sites you may already be familiar with. Instead of using urls and articles like many other sites, Pinterest is based solely around pictures and “pinning”. With each picture, the user gets to add a web link with more information Are you beginning to see how this can work for your business?
Essentially what you need to do is find pictures that are eye catching and attention grabbing (and of course relate to your topic) and pin them. When you pin them you link back to your site and thus grab traffic and a whole new surge of customers.
What sort of pictures will work? Interesting pictures to start. Any business can have pictures that will work for them. A martial arts studio can post pictures of their fighters in combat (remember this is a majorly female based network) with a link back to their studio website. A flower shop could post pictures of their best arrangements with a link back to the sales page. A dog grooming studio can post pictures of cute cuddly puppies. The options are endless. All you need is a little creativity to capture your portion of this audience.
And the best part is that other users can take your picture and “repin” it to their own boards which will expand your reach even further (think of it like Facebook's share option) The more users share or repin your picture the more marketing you get done for just a few moments work.
If you're not yet using Pinterest you should be. Any business whether based online or off can benefit from the social interaction of Pinterest and spreading your marketing through new methods with minimal work.
Prepare to lose large chunks of time as you learn the site and it's rather addictive ways (which is part of the reason all businesses should be on it. ) Addictive plus fun equals time suck and users who become die hard fans quickly
Right now Pinterest is by invite only, so you either need to know someone who uses it already or request an invite from the site. Chances are a simple post on Facebook or any other social media site you are already using will get you an invite quickly.
From there you simply need to start posting your pictures and links to your sites and products and watching your traffic and bottom line grow.
Visit www. ramonagoekelive. com for all the latest Markeing Tips and Strategies. Always up to date. Including all the latest information on Pinterest.
If you are a business owner and have not gotten involved in Pinterest. NOW IS THE TIME.
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Ramona Goeke
Ramona Goeke Live
About the Author
Ramona Goeke Is a veteran internet marketer of 3 years and enjoys helping others to reach the level of success she has. Can get your free dvd internet marketing course by visiting
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Looking to Market to females in their 20's and 30's? Then look into marketing with Pinterest If you've been anywhere online as of late you'll already be well versed in what Pinterest is, if not, stay tuned.
Pinterest is a social bookmarking site that is taking off in leaps and bounds, but it doesn't work quite like other social bookmarking sites you may already be familiar with. Instead of using urls and articles like many other sites, Pinterest is based solely around pictures and “pinning”. With each picture, the user gets to add a web link with more information Are you beginning to see how this can work for your business?
Essentially what you need to do is find pictures that are eye catching and attention grabbing (and of course relate to your topic) and pin them. When you pin them you link back to your site and thus grab traffic and a whole new surge of customers.
What sort of pictures will work? Interesting pictures to start. Any business can have pictures that will work for them. A martial arts studio can post pictures of their fighters in combat (remember this is a majorly female based network) with a link back to their studio website. A flower shop could post pictures of their best arrangements with a link back to the sales page. A dog grooming studio can post pictures of cute cuddly puppies. The options are endless. All you need is a little creativity to capture your portion of this audience.
And the best part is that other users can take your picture and “repin” it to their own boards which will expand your reach even further (think of it like Facebook's share option) The more users share or repin your picture the more marketing you get done for just a few moments work.
If you're not yet using Pinterest you should be. Any business whether based online or off can benefit from the social interaction of Pinterest and spreading your marketing through new methods with minimal work.
Prepare to lose large chunks of time as you learn the site and it's rather addictive ways (which is part of the reason all businesses should be on it. ) Addictive plus fun equals time suck and users who become die hard fans quickly
Right now Pinterest is by invite only, so you either need to know someone who uses it already or request an invite from the site. Chances are a simple post on Facebook or any other social media site you are already using will get you an invite quickly.
From there you simply need to start posting your pictures and links to your sites and products and watching your traffic and bottom line grow.
Visit www. ramonagoekelive. com for all the latest Markeing Tips and Strategies. Always up to date. Including all the latest information on Pinterest.
If you are a business owner and have not gotten involved in Pinterest. NOW IS THE TIME.
Get the secret software the Guru's use to rank their sitesTo your Marketing Success
Ramona Goeke
Ramona Goeke Live
About the Author
Ramona Goeke Is a veteran internet marketer of 3 years and enjoys helping others to reach the level of success she has. Can get your free dvd internet marketing course by visiting
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