Proof in the pudding that you can't dictate meaning.
WHEN people have got bored of their cars they’ve modified. They will be putting it up for sale, after his or her ‘pride and joy’ gets the treatments from the Barry Boy brigade.
But what I find funny is the seller’s asking price for the modified hatchback. I’m sorry, but how is a Vauxhall Corsa with a hideous bodykit and an exhaust pipe that blows loud noises, worth more money than a standard Corsa?
We all know why people why people put a higher asking price. To try and recoup the money they spent on modifying their cars. Foolishly enough, some of them will want to make a profit.
But there’s one fundamental rule here that Boy Racers don’t know. Customising your car doesn’t increase the value of your car – it actually devalues it.
Would you pay over the odds on a modified car? A car that not may have been well looked after – i.e. abused and probably had an accident or two. Not only that, you’ll look like an absolute berk. Only fools would pay the full asking price of these tarted up hatchbacks.
Please note that the picture is a spoof advertisement and used for illustrative purposes only.
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