Author: Landing Pages
Prime objective of good landing page is to involve visitor and make him take a decision towards buying the product. But it has also one more thing to do and that is creating a satisfied client base. These clients will not only visit your page regularly but also refer it other online friends. To achieve both goals landing page has to be designed in a strategic manner. Below are four basic principals to get winning landing page
Step: 1
Suggesting action on the page: With all the marketing efforts put in by you traffic is bound to come to your landing page. Once the visitor reaches your page effectiveness of landing page comes to test. It has to evolve itself in such a way that prospective visitor feels the need of product offered by you and also trusts you as prime supplier of same. The landing page has to create a sense of urgency in mind of visitor so that he takes the decision at earliest.
Step: 2
Increasing conversion ratio: You would have put an idea to buy, in a visitor's mind by suggesting action as discussed in step 1. Now you have to give him a reason to place an order immediately. This reason can be giving him some contest or giving additional discount for purchase at the same moment. Visitor has to feel that this is one time offer and he will loose it by not taking a decision on the spot. Also, one more way for increasing conversions is to add value to your product by offering some supplementary product that enhances his product usage experience.
Step: 3
Retaining clients that have already associated with you: A very well known principle of marketing says that it costs seven times more efforts and money to get a new client to try your product compared to existing customer. It becomes very difficult for any business to be successful, if it is running a leaking bucket i.e. you are working hard to get new clients but your existing client are giving you a miss when they have to repurchase the service. Satisfied client not only comes back but brings others also with him. This can be achieved by upgrading your services and providing products which exceed client's expectation. An eye on competitors can also help you in getting a pulse of the market and update you about new developments happening in the market space.
Step: 4
Take Feedback and implement: When you have a target of customer delight, you need to upgrade yourself continuously. For keeping your landing page on the mark, you need to know what your client's demand is. If he feels satisfied about your page, then he shall be able to guide you on how to develop other services and how to get your site better than other.
Once you follow above mentioned methodology two things will happen; 1.)Increase in conversion ratio and 2.) more and more visitors due to good referrals.
About the Author
Makemylandingpages Create best landing page, landing page design, for your business, which will help you in quickly selling your products & services. We are a highly qualified & certified team of landing page designer. Email us at:
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