Author: Jeremy V Smith
Before we begin the lesson today, I wanted to let you know that it's perfectly okay with me to copy and paste any of my articles to your blog. I also hope that everyone is well and ready to learn!
Today we are going to talk about offline advertising. At some point, you will consider marketing offline to promote your business. If you don't play your cards right, you can lose your whole advertising budget and gain nothing! Needless to say the hardest part of this whole equation is figuring out when, where, and how much to spend. If you get it right, you will get a nice return on your investment for years to come.
How will you make the right advertising decision? You need to have the right information to make a successful decision. You need to know:
- The different ways to market offline. - Which markets these different methods can reach. - You will want to know as much as possible about who will receive your message. - You need to know what your market is buying.
TV, radio, and print aren't the only methods to promote offline. Consider trade shows, press releases, billboards, word of mouth, telemarketing, branding, and direct sales to name a few.
The most expensive offline advertising will be radio, TV, and print. But these big boys can be bought for pennies on the dollar if you're willing to advertise during their 'non-primetime' hours. These times slots can still bring a lot of eyes and ears to your home marketing business.
Trade shows are a great way to get your business in front of a targeted audience and your appearance at the show could be a good angle for a press release. And the icing on the cake is that your press release may get you on the local news, radio, and newspapers!
A direct sales and/or telemarketing team can prove to be very lucrative, however it will require a huge investment of time and money to start. Then you're at the mercy of your sales team and your company may lose some respect.
When you think about Visa, you might think that "It's everywhere that you want to be." Or that a MasterCard is "Priceless". When think of Wheaties, you probably think, "The breakfast of champions." And that you can "Be all that you can be." in the U.S. Army. This is considered branding, or in marketing terms a USP (Unique Selling Proposition).
If you have a slogan and want to brand it, consider billboard advertising. It's relatively inexpensive and could be what get's your home marketing business inside peoples long term memory!
Whatever method or methods you decide to advertise with, make sure that you are testing and tracking the results. I can't emphasize that need to know where you are getting the best and worst return on investment. Once you have the results of your testing under your belt, you will be able to laser target your advertising and achieve great success.
About the Author
THIS SITE THAT HAS IT ALL...AND CAN PROVE IT! We have many years of experience at helping people succeed online. And we LOVE to work with "newbies".
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Before we begin the lesson today, I wanted to let you know that it's perfectly okay with me to copy and paste any of my articles to your blog. I also hope that everyone is well and ready to learn!
Today we are going to talk about offline advertising. At some point, you will consider marketing offline to promote your business. If you don't play your cards right, you can lose your whole advertising budget and gain nothing! Needless to say the hardest part of this whole equation is figuring out when, where, and how much to spend. If you get it right, you will get a nice return on your investment for years to come.
How will you make the right advertising decision? You need to have the right information to make a successful decision. You need to know:
- The different ways to market offline. - Which markets these different methods can reach. - You will want to know as much as possible about who will receive your message. - You need to know what your market is buying.
TV, radio, and print aren't the only methods to promote offline. Consider trade shows, press releases, billboards, word of mouth, telemarketing, branding, and direct sales to name a few.
The most expensive offline advertising will be radio, TV, and print. But these big boys can be bought for pennies on the dollar if you're willing to advertise during their 'non-primetime' hours. These times slots can still bring a lot of eyes and ears to your home marketing business.
Trade shows are a great way to get your business in front of a targeted audience and your appearance at the show could be a good angle for a press release. And the icing on the cake is that your press release may get you on the local news, radio, and newspapers!
A direct sales and/or telemarketing team can prove to be very lucrative, however it will require a huge investment of time and money to start. Then you're at the mercy of your sales team and your company may lose some respect.
When you think about Visa, you might think that "It's everywhere that you want to be." Or that a MasterCard is "Priceless". When think of Wheaties, you probably think, "The breakfast of champions." And that you can "Be all that you can be." in the U.S. Army. This is considered branding, or in marketing terms a USP (Unique Selling Proposition).
If you have a slogan and want to brand it, consider billboard advertising. It's relatively inexpensive and could be what get's your home marketing business inside peoples long term memory!
Whatever method or methods you decide to advertise with, make sure that you are testing and tracking the results. I can't emphasize that need to know where you are getting the best and worst return on investment. Once you have the results of your testing under your belt, you will be able to laser target your advertising and achieve great success.
About the Author
THIS SITE THAT HAS IT ALL...AND CAN PROVE IT! We have many years of experience at helping people succeed online. And we LOVE to work with "newbies".
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