Author: Theresa Croft
SEO Internet Marketing Tip: Step 4 of The Six Market Plan Steps
This is step 4 of the Six Market Plan Steps: SEO Internet Marketing Tip. In review, step one is know your WHY. Why do you want to market online. Knowing your why defines your purpose, vision, and mission for your destiny to earn extra money online. Step two is know your WHO. Who is your target market? What audience or niche are you trying to speak to, market to. Step three is WHERE. Where are you going to connect with your target market.
This step covers the importance of being a social media magnet. Step four of the Six Market Plan Steps involves a key internet marketing tip: SEO.
SEO what? No. This not what. It is how! This answers the "HOW" your target market is going to find you online. This is a vital internet marketing tip for moms, dads, or ministries to take action earning extra money online or promoting their ministry or business online. SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of optimizing your pages in your website or blog so it will rank high when people search for things via Google or any other search engine.
SEO is about the content on your site and picking the right keywords for your content, whether it be a article, blog post, or video. Picking the right keywords for you content is key for people to find you so they can link to your pages on your site. The key to finding keys is research! You have to be able to find the exact keywords that relate to the words and phrases that people in your target market type into a search engine to find that which they are looking.Typically, the more specific the phrase, the higher it will convert. You also have to keep in mind of LSI: Latent Semantic Indexing. All this means is the related words related to your keyword or related themes.
For example, you have golf swing as you keyword. Related words could be clubs, swing, courses, shoes etc. It's good to have these related word so as to show the search engines, such as Google, that you are not just stuffing a page with keywords but actually producing real content (of real value). So keyword research is a vital SEO internet marketing tip. One keyword tool that is free is Google. As I show in my video, it is a very easy tool to start some basic discovery of finding your keyword. SEO also involves some on page factors you need to consider.
The first and most important factor of everything you do is how your page is structured with the title tag. The title of your web page or video should have no more than 65 characters, and the keyword should start the title with related (LSI) phrases in it. Another on page factor is your description. Use your keyword in a short description concerning what your page is about, including your related words to the keyword. Using Wordpress Blogs are great because you can download plug ins, such as the SEO All In One Plug-In to help your posts and blog rank well in the search engines. So, whether you have a post, article, or video, understanding the SEO internet marketing tip will help you be on your way to earning extra money online, promoting your ministry, or to help your business promotion.
About the Author
Theresa Croft is a healthy business and ministry marketing consultant who produces She offers the free webinar to secrets to making money online at
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