Author: Shilpa Singh (Wilson)
Websites with fresh content and relevant links will still rule the internet but the search results will get more personalized and area specific. Already search engines algorithms have started paying attention to the geo-location, publication-date, past behavior, mobile device browsers and media content. Google has already launched innovations like real-time search and Social Search. So publishers and brands are expected to deliver more personalized, most comprehensive, fresh and relevant content to get indexed in search engines.
So testing keywords, content and links in mobile websites, local content and social media is a wise move to generate leads in the internet marketing industry.
Social media could be used effectively to market your brand reputation, so monitor constantly the invaluable feedback gathered from the conversations based on social media. Google caffeine's real time search is also something which one should consider with respect to social media marketing. Inbound marketing through social networking websites is going to be an added value to your brand name, Invest your time wisely in sharing information via blogs, articles, and participating in discussions, answering questions, all these are the ways you can all add value to your social media profile.
Do you agree with my viewpoints? Do let me know about your viewpoints about future internet marketing trends.
About the Author
Shilpa Singh, Director Himshilp- Internet Marketing Consultants handling SEO, SEM, website designing and website promotional stratagises.
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Future trends of Internet marketing
Today, over 75% of website traffic comes through organic search results and 85% of people trust search engines for fulfilling their primary business needs. Even though people are inclining towards social networking websites, but Social networking websites are more or less served as taking second opinion, feedback for the products. Search engines still rule the internet industry in terms of finding products and services to satisfy their business and personal needs. Let us find out what will be the future internet marketing trends.Search engine optimization:
Websites with fresh content and relevant links will still rule the internet but the search results will get more personalized and area specific. Already search engines algorithms have started paying attention to the geo-location, publication-date, past behavior, mobile device browsers and media content. Google has already launched innovations like real-time search and Social Search. So publishers and brands are expected to deliver more personalized, most comprehensive, fresh and relevant content to get indexed in search engines.
So testing keywords, content and links in mobile websites, local content and social media is a wise move to generate leads in the internet marketing industry.
PPC / Paid search:
The motive behind paid search advertising is to get instant traffic to the website and first page visibility for selected keywords. As Search engines will remain primary mean of getting information people will click on the relevant ads. And the PPC costs will remain reasonable. Mobile technology could be used in PPC platforms as a massive advantage. Big players don't mind paying money for running PPC campaign if they'll get good returns, PPC investment is also a good decision but be wise while choosing your keywords since your money is directly involved in that. I suggest you to take the advice of PPC expert before investing.Email marketing
The future of E-mail marketing is also bright as now email providers have started integrating social media along with email. Google buzz, which integrates videos, photos, link with real time communication, is already introduced. Google buzz which is an addition to social features in Gmail is creating buzz everywhere. Buzz brings this network to the surface by automatically setting you up to follow the people you email and chat with the most. It builds easy to use sharing experience that richly integrates photos, videos and links, and makes it easy to share publicly or privately. So in the upcoming years try to invest in these newly integrated email applications to generate leads and recurring customers.Social media networking:
Lots of eyeballs are fixed on social media networking nowadays, so investing wisely in social media would be a good decision. Google has already started paying attention to social networking websites like twitter, facebook, linkedin etc. by indexing them in search results. Social media networking is in its initial stage, it has yet to evolve, and many a things are yet to come like Social networking websites will give more importance to interactivity and features like (RSS,Wiki,...) to the users, with the help of Web2.0. So future of internet marketing is going to be effected mostly by social media networking. Brand your websites with the help of these social networking websites. Observe carefully your fan pages in facebook and find out the customers who are diligently following you. Try to use these social media websites to get repeated and referral business from your clients. Also social networking websites are an effective way to take feedback of your product or services. In short the future of social media networking is very bright, it is upto you how do you use them in the interest of your business.Mobile Marketing
According to Wikipedia Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network. Nowadays many people are carry handsets like iPhone and the Google Android phone capable of rich, mobile commerce providing a rich environment for the convergence of mobility and the Web. So the latest trend in internet marketing is shifted towards providing low-cost mobile marketing solutions like mobile websites, mobile email marketing, mobile text messaging, mobile application development and area specific marketing. These smart phones are opening new channels like SMS, mobile pages, online sales collateral, and virtual couponing or money mobile technology, which will simplify the reach to the targeted audience/ customer.Blogging:
Blogging will remain there as a good investment in the internet industry for the new bloggers as well as for the established bloggers. As search engines loves fresh content and blogging is a way to update your website periodically with fresh and unique content so blogging will help driving visitors to your website in the upcoming years also. So try to convert prospects into customers by writing quality content for your website. Even many good article submitting directories are encouraging their members to submit quality articles to their directories and in return they are rewarding the customer with increased traffic, improved credibility and additional sales, which is a great reward to bloggers.Corporate Video:
It is said that a picture is worth than thousand words, now you can imagine the impact which a video creates as compared to simple text. The main advantage of using online video is that it is interactive, so creates more impact on the viewer and makes it easily memorable. It can be easily shared with anyone and it is not expensive also to create. All these features of corporate video make it widely accessible. As YouTube is becoming the easiest way to generate targeted and continuous traffic to your website, it is a good idea to invest some time in low cost video marketing in the upcoming years. But be wise to invest in video promotion as however effective be the video is, it takes time to get loaded on the system and you can't scan the video whereas text can be easily scanned and converted into digital format to create webpages.Summary:
There could be many other internet marketing trends which can develop in the upcoming years. I suggest you should give some time to consumers as they take time to get adjusted with new trends. Try to attract new customers and don't forget to concentrate on the repeated customers as well. Try to improve your brand by listening to the customers and engage them by taking their constant feedback.Social media could be used effectively to market your brand reputation, so monitor constantly the invaluable feedback gathered from the conversations based on social media. Google caffeine's real time search is also something which one should consider with respect to social media marketing. Inbound marketing through social networking websites is going to be an added value to your brand name, Invest your time wisely in sharing information via blogs, articles, and participating in discussions, answering questions, all these are the ways you can all add value to your social media profile.
Do you agree with my viewpoints? Do let me know about your viewpoints about future internet marketing trends.
About the Author
Shilpa Singh, Director Himshilp- Internet Marketing Consultants handling SEO, SEM, website designing and website promotional stratagises.
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